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**** Sherri's Eyeliner ****

**** Sherri's Eyeliner ****

Sherry's eyeliner semi permanent makeup ....

it's a quiet form of art.

We use the method of thinly drawing in between eyelashes like filling in.

It is inconvenient to draw the inner side of the eyeliner,

and frequent make-ups are the causes of bloodshot eyes as foreign objects fall into the eyes

and later on it smudges around the lower eyeliner creating a dark circle


semi-permanent makeup is more ineffective than any other cosmetic surgery

in making any eyes look beautiful from the first day of operation.

If the semi-permanent eyeliner makeup is extended to the outer side of the actual eye line,

later on the line drops more and more, and you might feel like erasing it with laser.

Sherri's eye line makes you very happy as it is not visible even when you close your eyes but makes your eyes look more defined only when you open your eyes.

How long does it take?;...............................1 hr (actual procedure takes less)

When should I have re-touch .......................2 weeks later

How long will it be maintained .................... From one year to nine years depending on your

skin.(There is a little touch-up fee after one year)

When can I start taking shower or putting on makeup ......................From the very first day

When does it start looking natural .......................... From the very first day (Some people experience swelling for 1- 3 days depending on the sensitivity of your eyes/skin)

If the two eyes have different shapes ........................ We can adjust them to look the same at your request

Lower eyeliner....................................... We recommend only if you draw bottom liner makeup everyday

Outer corner of eyeliner......................... It might be more natural not to extend if possible.

Thickness of eyeliner.............................. It might be natural and younger looking to draw a thin line above where the eyelashes are.

How much does it hurt ......................... We have a very good numbing cream so you should be fine..!.

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